BRAVO is the flagship brand of Grands Moulins de Conakry (GMC). It is used as a label on all consumer products produced by GMC.

This includes tea, wheat flour and broth seasonings.

Range of flour products

Bravo Tea

Broth seasoning
Tablets of 10 g

Broth seasoning sachets
Available in 12 g, 15 g, 35 g, 60 g, 75 g

Tafagui collects, cleans, dries and conditions local coffee products and cocoa products for higher quality export standards


Tafagui is the official partner and exclusive importer of a range of global products made available in the local markets in Guinea Conakry including: Pepsico, Saint Louis Sucre and Zwan.

Pepsico product range

Lays chips variety

Saint Louis Sugar cubes

Variety of Zwan products

Tafagui imports White Crystal Sugar in 50 kg polypropylene bags.

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